My husband wants to know why me (the non walker) can walk miles when hunting bargains.The same reason i told him why in the middle
of summer when he and my son collapse in the shade i can still continue
the hunt.Well i tell him these things would stop a lesser woman,but when I
suspect a SHABBY VINTAGE bargain may be mine for the finding i am unstoppable.
I think its a women gene that men seldom are given,they know what they need
(and its not shabby or vintage )they know which store its in and they go get it
and return like a dog with a ball. Us women on the other hand don't always know
what we need till we see it and then its pretty well clear.That's where the men
get confused "what are you going to use it for ?" they may ask
or worse "do you really need it?"Of course we bloody need it,an old jug just perfect for some flowers, lace gloves ,an old book.-For a long while there while training
my man he thought if it was chipped or crazed I'd love it.Pleased to say i have
trained him better now but he is still a man,so i have to just forgive him and
move on with the hunt.Today we went to the Blacktown Markets,a slight drizzle
of rain fell but my eyes were on the tables.The photo is my finds or needs today
a dish rack to display plates $2 Japanese cup $1 green patterned jug $2 made in japan
two candlesticks (painted brass) $2 cane rocking chair for a teddy $2 and my last bargain a ceramic rose motif towel ring and soap dish $1 the set wow. My man found
nothing my son a toy.There were heaps of things i needed but they were too expensive.
Stall holders seem to want nothing or antique shop prices no inbetween Ah i was exhausted but the thrill of the hunt was a wonderful thing.