Tomorrow my God daughter turns 4 today she had her Princess Party complete with castle cake ,Maddie you are always a princess to me.The castle cake made by her mum was pretty awesome and i helped to decorate it but a word to the wise here, Use waffle cones not ordinary ice cream cones for the turrets.The icing covering the cones just slowly dissolves them and like candles on a hot day they curl over and ummm melt away,
It lasted long enough but for the pictures and the Happy Birthday song and the blowing out of the whole four candles.Face painting and tiara decorating were the order of the day,Pirates came too with their princess sisters and friends,The princess even found out it isn't necessary to stick your finger on top of every cupcake to test if they are all okay.There is a problem but in fact my princess will not accept that she will be four she likes three and doesn't want to give it up.This has caused quite a few tears and after questioning it is found that she doesnt want to be bigger cause when you get really big and old you die (as her dog did a few months ago) Oh my so young for such a worry,I have told her four is still very little and very young so am hoping that eventually she will accept that it has happened and she is four.

See what i mean
like a snowman on a hot day
like a fractured fairytale
Our Turrets slowly slid away......