Sunday, June 15, 2008

Stair Sledding

We went to lunch (very lovely too) at my schoolfriend Angela's
as usual it was not usual.Angela has a rather steep staircase in her townhouse and
of course me being me i had to remark that i would never manage them stairs day after day
and would by now have invented a sled for the downhill trip.My DH and Ds being them had to of course have a go! Alex invented the bum sled just hands up pretend you are on a sled and go..
Neil had a few turns but not being blessed in the bum department found although fun it was quite
painful .Alex of course did it a zillion times and probably will be crippled in the morning.He even went down head first.It was cold and miserable outside but thank you Angela for hosting this rather unusual luncheon. See you can take my family anywhere ! (by the way me who started all this chose not to partake of this particular pleasure, theres something about short fat ladies and stair sledding i find quite frightening !So i contented myself with capturing the moment on my phone camera and almost wetting myself laughing)Just an add on i emailed a link to this post to my eldest of four sons
(the ringleader in their childhood escapades) this was his answer,a miracle
as usually they ignore my blog!

> Very cool - If only you still had your other 3 boys trailing around behind
> you, then we would have really made a sport of it. A jump at the end, a
> motorised sled, a rope around the waist of the boy going down the stairs
> attached to a pully system at the top that's attached to the ankle of another boy at
> the bottom....
> This is giving me ideas :
The scary thing folks is they used to do stuff just like that but thats another tale for another day.


Angela said...

I had a great time to - the hostess with the stairs - what a lovely afternoon....! Angela

Southern Lady's Vintage said...

LOl!! How funny! Sounds like you all had a fun time!

nbeltane said...

heehehehehehe.. oh jules, thanks for the laugh..

Anonymous said...

Looks like you all had a hoot Julles!

Mom of 2 Roses said...

Jullie that is hilarious! I have to say I couldn't do that either. It would hurt to much! I found the most beautiful card for you but I have been on the hunt for something very Texan to send you. I sure miss chatting with you but I have very limited access to the computer. Camille has scarlet fever and Mikaela is just gettng over an ear infection. Woo hoo fun!
Miss ya!!

Unknown said...

It does look like fun, but I wouldnt want to do it either! Thanks for lunch yesterday, and my little gift, catch up again soon!

Cherub Kisses Boutique said...

oh jules!!! hi ;o)
it's been soooo long ... hope all is well with you & your family... i miss visiting ...
but the boys take in me too many directions on most days lol!!
... but i enjoyed reading this post in particular... too funny!! sounds like a fun time was had by all!!
dionne aka dee ;o)

Anonymous said...

Oh thats too funny! If you liked my other blog, you should come by my new one over at wordpress. Thanks for stopping by!