Well its here December the first,Like every Christmas it comes with its memories and its hopes and dreams,It comes with a year of life as always and loss , A year in which i lost a favourite uncle ,a grandmother,and my favourite Author,A year where my mother for the first time in her life had no fixed address but thankfully now she does, But also a year in which i gained a grand daughter who fills me to the brim with love and light,Like all years there has been news from friends of hardships and loss and i feel it all.Still Christmas is here and i will welcome it with all the joy i reserve for Christmas. Part of me is still very much a child at this time of year,Searching op shops for4 those treasured ornaments of xmas past,I look forward to making a gingerbread house and cards with my god children,And annoying my son who doesn't realize how much Christmas means to him but it does.My eldest and his partner are at this moment in the Amazon and will be someplace strange and exotic for this Christmas,Fir the first time i am going to be visited by an elf on a shelf.So there is much afoot in my apartment that pretends to be my cottage.Welcome to the Christmas tour,
I love to decorate my dresser here which sits in an alcove on the loungeroom, |
My space is smaller than it looks see how close the dresser ,hatbox tree and my two bookcases are, |
My favourite tree inside a hatbox found some 15 years ago at the dump. |
I love collecting vintage candy dispensers although you wouldnt fit much candy in these ! |
My new feather tree sits in a top hat above the TV unit amidst feathers and lights |
My tiny bedroom come craft room has a tin pram that sprouted a tree |
I like lights in unexpected places like this drawer that says believe |
I like trees in unexpected spots too like out of tea cups and in this case a candle holder,
Vintage jars displaying vintage baubles and mercury glass beads, |
Iike to use the doors of my linen and bookcase like tiny windows |
love the new swag i bought this year atop my cabinets |
I made the santa fan and my friend cheryl made the believe tussie (Poppy get out of the lace shelf) |
The kitchen is tiny so just the window sill and top of my plate rack are decorated love my primitive santa hanging here,
NO cats here nothing to see
Never one to miss an opportunity my Poppy is a most excellent Christmas cat she never touches any of my ornaments although she can climb to any of them,Here she is above my dream drawer on the lace shelf.
My tiny feather tree the old pamphlet holder will house xmas cards as they arrive, |
love this little wooden stand with drawers got it at the op shop the other day for $3 |
Bedroom tree again note santa skipping rope |
My 100 year old bed i used a table runner as a bed runner |
My latest idea a baby tutu $3-99 ebay becomes a lampshade |